How to Install AAC Blocks : Step by Step Procedure

AAC (Autoclaved Aerated Concrete) blocks have been gaining popularity as a sustainable and cost-effective building material in recent times. The blocks are lightweight, easy to handle and have good insulation properties. Here is a step-by-step procedure for AAC block installation and construction.

  • Step 1: Preparing the Foundation The foundation should be dug as per the design requirements and filled with compacted earth. After that, a 50mm thick layer of sand is spread evenly over the earth, and the foundation is levelled. Reinforcement steel bars are then placed in the foundation and fixed in place using steel wire.
  • Step 2: Preparing the Mortar AAC blocks are usually laid using thin-bed mortar. The mortar mix consists of cement, sand, and water in the ratio of 1:6:1. This should be mixed well until it reaches a uniform consistency.
  • Step 3: First set of Blocks The first course of AAC blocks is laid on the foundation using the thin-bed mortar. The blocks should be laid in a straight line, using a spirit level to ensure that they are level and plumb. The mortar should be applied on the top of the block and then spread evenly using a trowel.
  • Step 4: Build the stucture The second course of AAC blocks is laid on top of the first course using thin-bed mortar. The blocks should be staggered to ensure that there are no continuous vertical joints. The mortar should be applied on the top of the block and then spread evenly using a trowel. The subsequent courses of AAC blocks are laid in the same manner until the desired height is reached. Care should be taken to ensure that the blocks are level and plumb, and there are no gaps between them.
  • Step 5: Cutting the Blocks If the blocks need to be cut to fit into a particular space, a handsaw or a circular saw can be used. Care should be taken to ensure that the edges are smooth and even.
  • Step 6: Reinforcing the Walls After every three courses of AAC blocks, a horizontal reinforcement bar is placed in the mortar bed. The reinforcement bar should be at least 10mm in diameter, and it should be embedded at least 500mm into the masonry on both sides.(If Required)
  • Step 7: Applying the Jointing Material After the AAC block installation is complete, the joints between the blocks are filled with the jointing material. The jointing material is usually a cement-based mixture that is applied using a pointing trowel.
  • Step 8: Finishing the Surface After the jointing material has dried, the surface of the AAC block wall can be finished using a plastering or rendering technique. A coat of primer can be applied before the final finish is applied.

In conclusion, AAC block installation and construction is a simple and straightforward process that can be carried out by trained professionals. The use of AAC blocks can result in a cost-effective and sustainable building solution, and their lightweight nature makes them easy to handle and install. By following these steps, you can ensure that your AAC block wall is constructed to the required standards and is durable and long-lasting.

Note: This article is for a basic understanding regarding the installation procedures of AAC Blocks. All construction activities should be done by trained professionals and only after consulting with your architect.